Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Six Weeks

Sunday I was six weeks, and I'm beginning to feel it. I got some morning sickness last week and I've just been generally not feeling well. I kind of always have an upset stomach, which is fine. It doesn't really interfere with anything I'm trying to do, but I'm not hungry very much because of it and that's not very good since I need to make sure I'm eating well. There's not really anything I want to eat; I'm mostly just eating because I know I have to.

I did go shopping the other day, though, and I bought some maternity clothes. Not because I'm showing, but because I have this fear that I'm going to wake up one morning with a baby bump and none of my clothes will fit! So I got something I can wear to work, something for every day, and something for church. I'm getting so nervous about everything! And I know I don't need to be, but the baby consumes my every thought and then I start to worry "Is the timing okay?," "How are we going to afford this?," "What if I don't eat right and my baby is a mutant?!?!?!" So I try to calm myself and remind myself that God is sovreign, and He is taking care of everything for me. He already has it all planned out, so I do not need to worry.

I would love for you to pray for our finances, of course, and also that we could get a slightly bigger apartment. I would really like to have another bedroom and a dishwasher. Josh and I both HATE washing dishes as it is. When the baby comes along, I'm sure it will just get worse.

Here's my six weeks picture ... not much change ... YET!


Mommy and Daddy Sillaman

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Country Roads, Take Me Home

We went to Huntington this weekend to go to my ten year reunion and to tell the rest of the family about the little Sillababy. We had so much fun! Everyone is really excited and my sister sent me home with a crate of maternity clothes and a long list of stuff she wants me to take next time I come home. I'm so lucky to have my big sister! She's got a crib, a cradle, a rocker, a car seat, and a LOT more left from when Anneliese was a baby.

My class reunion went pretty well. I got to see quite a few of my friends from the old days, but it was a bit too short. I did let everyone know about the baby and they were all happy for me. MY friend Angela is about four months along with her third, so that was fun to talk to her.

We spent a lot of time with Anneliese, and that made me even more excited to have one of our own. She's so smart and such fun, which totally runs in the family!! We also spent some time with my friends Rachel and Rebekah and told them about the baby. Of course, they're thrilled. We got home and checked the mail to find a very sweet card from the Geffkens congratulating us! Thanks Andy and Erica!!

I heard back from the doctor today and he said he got the results for the bloodwork and everything looks good. Our next appointment is September 1, so that should be exciting. I posted on facebook about the baby, so I've gotten a few phone calls, texts, and about 100 wall/photo posts! It makes me feel pretty special!

Josh wanted to do something special in honor of the baby, so he shaved his head and beard. He's not going to cut it or shave again until the baby is born! I'll post pictures of his progress wth mine! For now, here's Day One:

and Good Night!!
Mommy and (Bald) Daddy Sillaman

Thursday, August 6, 2009

To The Doctor

We went to the doctor on Tuesday. It was pretty uneventful, although I do think I have the greatest doctor in the world. He's awesome. He talked to us for a few minutes, told Josh that this visit is boring, but once we start hearing the heartbeat in a few weeks, they get more fun! He did an exam and said that I feel swollen, which in this case is good! He also ordered some blood work, which will check all of my pregnancy levels and say exactly how far along we are. So I went to get my blood work done. I HATE NEEDLES! I sat down in the chair and I said to the lady "I know you probably hear this all the time, but I hate this. Like I REALLY REALLY hate it a lot!" She laughed and said "Well, honey, you're going to have to do it a few more times during your pregnancy." WHAT?!?!? Oh no ... Why did I have to go and get pregnant? But my phlebotomist was awesome. I looked the other way and she started talking to me about my iPhone. Well, you know if someone wants to talk to me about my iPhone, I won't shut up, so it wasn't that bad. I'm glad she distracted me. I'll probably hear back about the results on Tuesday.

We leave tomorrow to go to WV for my ten year reunion. I can't wait to tell the rest of my family in person!!! We were sad that we couldn't tell the Sillamans in person, so we are excited to see the look on brothers' and sister's faces! Rachel, I hope you're not mad that I waited to tell you!!

Lately, I've just been thinking about how the Lord is so good. He has always helped us look to Him in every aspect of our marriage and even when we haven't understood things, God has given us a peace that, though we can't understand, He does. I don't understand why He loves me enough to give me such a fantastic husband, or to give me the opportunity to experience creating a new life inside me, but He does, and with Him, I know we can be good parents. We are praying for the little Sillababy to be healthy and to grow to love the Lord. Also, we're praying that the Lord will provide for us financially, as well help us get enough rest, and have strength to do everything we need to do.

Mom and Dad Sillaman

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Four Weeks

Today I am four weeks pregnant! The little Sillababy is the size of a poppy seed! From now until about ten weeks, all of the Sillababy's organs will develop and some will begin to function!!
We are so excited to go see my doctor on Tuesday and hear what advice he has to give us. Please pray that the baby will grow and be healthy and that I will get plenty of rest. Luckily, now that my play and VBS are over, my life has calmed down so I'll have more time to rest. The first trimester is usually the hardest and most sensitive, so pray for the new Sillaman family!
Also, pray for God's provision financially. Especially when I go on maternity leave or if I have to cut down my hours, we won't be making quite as much as we do now, so please pray that God will stretch our money and we will find many ways to save.
Mommy and Daddy Sillaman

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Big News

Thursday, July 30 was already a big day. Josh's parents and little sisters were moving to Colorado. We said our tearful goodbyes Wednesday night, and wished them safe travels Thursday morning. It was also Day Four of Vacation Bible School, which I was directing. I had a headache all day. I was tired and hungry all day, more than usual! In the middle of VBS that day I had a thought and ran to WalMart to buy a pregnancy test.
When we got home from VBS, I took the test, and watched as it came up positive! "JOSH!" I yelled. He came tearing into the bathroom and looked. "Are you pregnant????" he asked and I nodded. We hugged and kissed and got freaked out and laughed and praised the Lord.
Then we called my mom. She was so excited to find out she's going to have another grandchild. We called Josh's sister Julia. No answer. We called his sister Amanda. No answer!! Then we called my dad and I told him I was getting him a present. He asked how much it would cost him and I told him "a lot!" He asked how much it would cost me and I said "I'll be paying for it for the next 18 years at least!" He was so excited to find out.
Then we finally got ahold of Amanda, who guessed right away. Josh said "Hey I have something to tell you," and Amanda said "Is Kat pregnant???" Dad Sillaman said he was ready to turn around and come right back, he was so excited about becoming a grandpa!
Amanda called Julia and Mom Sillaman on the radio and they didn't believe her. Julia's phone kept breaking up but through text messages we finally convinced them that I AM pregnant. Josh talked to Cherise and she is thrilled to become an aunt. We've since been able to talk to Julia and Mom Sillaman and they are so happy for us and so excited to have this new addition to our family!
We went to lunch with the Pastor and his family. Josh prayed and said "Lord, thank You for the great news we got today about Kat's little baby." They went crazy!! Lynette thought Josh was joking. She said "Are you kidding?" and then when she believed us she said "I just thought 'That's kind of an inappropriate joke, Josh.'" NO JOKE!!
I had to work that night and it was so hard to concentrate on anything! I just wanted to be home celebrating with Josh! We went to Hella's last night with our friends Ashley and Geoff to celebrate (Ashley is about four months pregnant now)!
We have only told a few very close friends so far. We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday to make sure everything is ok, and after that we'll start spreading the news! We think the due date is April 11, 2010, which is Julia's 18th birthday!
We're going to West Virginia this weekend to tell Bobby, Rachel, Jimmy and Anneliese. Can't wait!!!

Mommy and Daddy Sillaman